Donation 1000,- NOK

1,000.00 kr

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The situation in the Arctic is becoming more and more critical, and is getting higher on the global agenda. The climate changes in the Arctic is expected to be faster and even more serious than in the rest of the world. Increasing temperatures will melt ice and make inaccessible areas available for resource extraction, open new sailing routes and increase tourism. This will put vulnerable nature under pressure and challenge the political goals of protecting the environment in the Arctic. The interest for research in the Arctic is increasing and international and regional cooperation is crucial for understanding and handle the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary challenges of the Arctic.

Both the nature and, not least, indigenous peoples in the Arctic are threatened by climate change. At the same time, 90% of the population there live in developed areas where the challenges are to assure a good future life and a livelihood basis through sustainable jobs and, where appropriate, with the help of new technology. Maintaining and developing a platform for future generations to lead a meaningful life in the North is especially important.

There is currently no museum or center that addresses the changes in the Arctic, how these affect the rest of the earth, and at the same time looking at how the rest of the globe is affecting the vulnerable Arctic. The challenges the world is facing in the Polar Regions must be disseminated to a broader audience from all levels of society. Acceptance for concrete action is needed, even at the individual level, as well as the need to put pressure on politicians and larger institutions.

It is natural that the Fram Museum in Oslo creates such an information and experience centre. The new building at the Fram Museum will continue the story from the early explorers’ and scientists’ pioneering expeditions in the polar regions to current day research, and other important and complex issues related to the Arctic. The contents of the new building will make the Fram Museum a more progressive institution, which in addition to disseminating international polar history in increasingly more exciting ways, takes social responsibility, and becomes a relevant, challenging and important player in the dissemination of what happens and will happen in the Polar Regions, and how this affects the rest of the globe.

The Fram Museum has been the most important communicator of polar history for almost 90 years. The museum is one of the best visited museums in Norway with 400,000 annual visitors. In 2021, Tripadvisor ranked the Fram Museum as the best of more than 7,700 attractions

in Norway, an honor that is usually given to fjords, mountains, viewpoints or other natural phenomena. Our award winning exhibitions on international polar history have created enthusiasm and knowledge on the Polar Regions among young and old from all continents, and are visited by families and schools every year. The Fram Museum is and independent foundation run without any external financial support. Our income comes in its entirety from ticket sales, the museum shop and external events at our premises. Before Covid-19, the museum has had an annual operating profit since 1945.

The new building was designed by Reiulf Ramstad Architects and will be an attraction in itself. The budget for the project, including the building and all content, is NOK 400 million, of which the Sparebankstiftelsen DNB has already contributed NOK 46 million to purchase the lot for the new building. A grant proposal for 127 million NOK is submitted to the Norwegian Ministry of Culture.

For larger donations, please contact the director of the Fram Museum(the management):

For smaller amounts, please use paypal: Donate at Paypal


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